Our Journey

So what's our story you ask? Well, after a few weeks of reflection, accompanied by a few jalapeno margaritas, we realized that we didn't really have a good story - but at least the margs were good!
Don't worry - although we found ourselves stuck with trying to explain some cool story- it was through the process that we actually recognized something even better. We discovered that what we have is not so much a story as it was and is a journey, which in the scheme of things is even better! Looking back at our lives we realized that every step and road we've taken, before and after we met seemed to pave itself to where we are today and to this new journey we are about to embark. So how did we get here? Here's a little background of how we think the universe created this dream team.
Alexis and Nicole are passionate creatives both from New England.
Alexis grew up in MA and continued her education in Florida, where she graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Fashion Merchandising and Marketing from the International Academy of Design and Technology. Nicole was born and raised in NH where she pursued a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design graduating from Plymouth State University. Both girls had a knack for all things creative, they also had great taste (which some may consider a curse at times). They both found comfort in retail and worked many retail jobs. Back in 2008 coincidentally they both accepted management positions at an upscale boutique, which is where they met. Over the course of 12 years they formed an unbreakable friendship, and an incredible working partnership. They shared the same interests, and found that their lives were evolving simultaneously. They went from living carelessly in their 20's and smoking an occasional cigarette, to running everyday with their dogs and exchanging holistic recipes. Through all their phases of life and growth, they've always remained in sync and were always there to uplift one another. It was really motherhood that brought on new challenges but also gave so much clarity to both their lives. It opened up a whole new meaning of life, making them realize the importance of a better future.
When the Corona Virus Pandemic struck the U.S. in March of 2020, it shook the earth in ways no one was prepared for. It was during this time that an opportunity unveiled itself. Steph, a close friend (high fives), found she could not ignore her deep sense of intuition which was leading her to make changes to her business. Steph's vision was for her salon to share space with another business that brought good synergy and positive vibes. That is when we got the call.
Given the current circumstances it was a no brainer. Alexis and Nicole instantly knew what to bring to the table - a place that supported people and the planet. A place where we could find products that were not only going towards something good but did not compromise quality or design. We wanted to support small businesses that shared our vision and help others expand their minds. We knew that there was a market for these types of products but not many stores that carried them.
Don't get us wrong we are not zero waste perfect human beings. We are just a couple of gals that are mentally still in their 20's that love to curate the hell out of anything while promoting exceptional brands. We are learning every day just like you are - so why not use these skills in a positive way? That's what it's all about.